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Aug 21, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
This week our speaker is Matt Barker Wish for a Smile Wish For A Smile is a charitable trust run by the New Zealand Association of Orthodontists (NZAO). It is a group of specialist orthodontists who have provided free orthodontic treatment to more than 400 deserving young New Zealanders whose families would otherwise be unable to afford orthodontic care. NB - please direct all correspondence to Peter Whittington from now until the end of August or
Call phone (+6421778300)
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Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Peter Whittington
Aug 28, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
This week our speaker is Jack Rainey How to give a meal that matters Jack is the Wellington manager for Everybody Eats, a charity serving quality, three-course meals, prepared by volunteer chefs, from perfectly good food that would otherwise go to waste. Everybody Eats is a "pay-as-you-feel dining concept for everyone" operating from three restaurants, two in Auckland and one in Wellington, serving meals that feed bellies, not bins. NB - Louise is back from Bali so Peter is off the hook Call phone (+6421778300)
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Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Peter Whittington
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Aug 28, 2024 5:30 PM
Looking forward to a fiery discussion on Hillbilly Elegy on Wednesday at 5.30 pm level 6 Wellington Club. The film is on Netflix if you are keen on a visual interpretation with great acting by Glenn Close and Amy Adams in starring roles.
If you didn't read the book, maybe watch the film or bring along Demon Copperhead, Edicated, Empire of Pain or Nomadland - all on the same issues of poverty, drugs, unemployment - set in the Appalachian mountains.
Aug 31, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Lunch – Saturday 31st August – 1.30 p.m. Beach Babylon, Oriental Parade
Come on a fantastical journey to the World of Welly Wonka – a nostalgic and whimsical nod to the Roald Dahl classic. Beach Babylon’s bespoke food and drinks menu and Bill’s Candy Shop inspired décor will provide an unforgettable dining experience set in a world of creativity and pure imagination. Wonka’s brilliance with exceptional Wellington produce and mixed in a little Babs’ magic!!!
Join us for a lovely leisurely lunch (pay on consumption) on the last day of Wellington on a Plate celebrations!! 1.30 p.m. onwards so time to mow the lawns first!! Family, friends and children welcome. Just over the road from the beach so you might want to pack your sandcastle making bucket as well!!
RSVP by end of day 28th August . Any questions contact Joy Durrant – or 021-620-557. |
Sep 04, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Neil Thornton Neils bio reads:Neil Thornton is an award-winning comedian, MC, writer, and life-long teacher. As a comedian, he cut his chops in the tough New York City comedy scene before moving to New Zealand with his husband in 2014. Since then, he's performed up and down New Zealand and all over the word, with sold-out shows in New York City, the Edinburgh Fringe, and Provincetown, not to mention everywhere from Auckland to Queenstown to bowling clubs in the middle of nowhere for confused sheep farmers. He's a regular at The Classic in Auckland, produces dozens of Wellington comedy shows, and appeared in the TV3 comedy special "After Hours." He's also been a teacher for more than 30 years, teaching university-level Writing, Composition, Creative Fiction and Nonfiction, Technical Writing, and Managerial Communication. He was also a sought-after coach and instructor for high-stakes standardized testing in the US (SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT) developing an expertise in the science of learning and anxiety management. In 2017 he founded the NZ Comedy School, helping a wonderfully diverse array of people find their unique voices through the art and craft of stand-up comedy. Neil's topic is, "Wellington's comedy school" Have a great weekend Lou Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Sep 10, 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Visit to Plimmerton Rotary Club Tuesday 10 September In our 35th year it seems appropriate to rekindle our relationship with Plimmerton Rotary. In past years we would pay return visits and it was thought a good idea by both Clubs to recommence this custom. They have recently had a visit from our Club members encouraging them to join the 'Lifting the Lid;' programme.
A good deal of interest was shown this week at our meeting. Plimmerton are inviting their partners to join them. We encourage you also to bring your partners, You can coordinate travel once we know who is attending.
Howard needs to advise Plimmerton Rotary of numbers attending by Friday 8 September.
Contact Howard for further information on 027 201 2400 or
Sep 11, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Tracy Watkins Tracy is Editor of Sunday Star-Times, Sunday News and Stuff Sundays.
She is an award winning columnist and journalist, which includes being political columnist of the year, political feature writer of the year and investigative news reporter.
Her topic will be, "The future of regional journalism."
Have a great weekend. Lou Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Sep 18, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Gavin Knight Gavin is the Principal and founder of GoPrivate Limited. He is passionate about helping people and organisations to protect their information, stay safe and live free. Gavin is a licensed Private Investigator, Privacy Professional and experienced leader. He is a fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
In a July 2024, his team launched GoPrivate Limited, which expands Independent Investigators Limited to offer a broader range of privacy, risk and workplace related services. They offer training, consulting and numerous resources to help organisations sort their privacy, workplace and risks without breaking the bank to do so. His topic will be, "Privacy."
Have a great weekend. Lou Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Sep 25, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is David Downs
Cancer survivor, patient advocate and ambassador for the Malaghan Institute
David Downs is a business leader, public servant, consultant, board director, speaker and genetically modified organism. David is now CEO of The New Zealand Story, an ambitious government-funded organisation marketing New Zealand to the world.
Previously David was a General Manager at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) for 10 years, working with the Technology sector to help fast growing tech companies grow internationally. David has held various roles at NZTE, in the Services, Customer and Corporate Services teams, and led a cross-government project for the MBIE to help grow the Agritech sector.
David spent 13 years at Microsoft, in New Zealand and as regional director for South East Asia, and he has set up and run successful businesses of his own. David is a published author on New Zealand Innovation, with two highly successful books No.8 Re-wired, and No.8 Recharged. In 2017 /2018 David was facing a terminal diagnosis and given less than a year to live, but managed to beat cancer in a remarkable series of lucky breaks. After a year of chemotherapy, and staring a terminal diagnosis in the face, David got a literal lifeline, with the chance to get on to a clinical trial in the USA. Now a genetically modified cancer-killing machine, David's reflecting on the lucky series of events that saw him beat cancer, and on his new approach to life.
He's an ex-comedian, TV and Radio actor, semi-finalist for New Zealander of the Year, and a genetically modified optimist who documented his battle with cancer in the book A Mild Touch of the Cancer now a documentary film. His charity project Down with Cancer helps raise funds to make the revolutionary CAR T-cell therapy available in New Zealand for those who need it. A chartered member of the Institute of Directors, David holds a number of board positions, including as the chairman of The Icehouse, the Hi-Tech Trust, and the Well Foundation. He is part of the executive advisory committee to the CEO of DIA.
At the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown, David co-founded - a not-for-profit initiative to help bars, cafes and other small businesses sell vouchers. It quickly became a huge hit and to date has sold over $2 million in vouchers for over 2500 small businesses. All the money goes to the businesses. Based on that experience, he published a book about the innovation that happened during covid-19 in New Zealand, 'Silver Linings', published by Penguin Random House.
David studied at Massey University, the University of Auckland and Stanford University, and regularly presents and gives talks on his cancer journey and on the power of positive thinking and optimism.
His topic will be, "Innovation, technology and why you should always wear clean undies." See you there.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Sep 29, 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Perambulators Daylight Saving Walk - Kaukau & Back Sunday 29 September 2024 Meet at Truscott Avenue Carpark 10am
As mentioned at the Rotary meeting last week I thought it was time to have another Perambulation to celebrate the start of Daylight Saving. Mt Kaukau is an iconic spot that can seen from many parts of Wellington and similarly has some of the best views of the city and the harbour. Most walkers will have been up Mt Kaukau, at least once, from one or more of the many access points from the northern suburbs. We will start from the carpark at the top of Truscott Avenue. Parking is still free there and there is lots of it. Be there ready to go at 10am. We will walk up through the bush and tackle the 21 sets of steps leading to the Old Coach Road/Skyline Track. Don't panic many of the sets of steps have only a few steps and you can stop after number 15 to take a breather and explore the cave off to the left. Continue to the top where there is a another opportunity to catch your breath at a very kindly positioned park bench. Follow the well marked wide track to the top of Mt Kaukau, which stays in view for most of the rest of the ascent. Spend a few minutes admiring the view from the top then descend via a couple of mountain bike tracks through the bush. At the intersection where we joined the Skyline track from Truscott Ave we will continue straight on to exit at McLintock St. It is then a short walk down McLintock St to Truscott Ave and the cars. All up it will be 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the length of stops. Even if you have done this walk many times before, come and join us and test your fitness at the start of Daylight Saving, the end of winter Slothfulness. We can do the track again at the end of Daylight Saving so you can compare how much fitter you have got over the summer months. As usual we will have coffee after the event. I have chosen Common Ground Cafe in the Jville Library. It is close to the end of the walk and there should be parking around where the commuters park Monday to Friday. Any other suggestions welcome as I do not know this area well (for coffee that is).
Oct 02, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speakers this week are Brett Holland (Chief Innovation Officer) and Alexandra Lutyens (Senior Innovation Specialist) from Creative HQ
Brett has a diverse background in starting businesses, developing products, and helping others to do the same. He continuously looks for opportunities to work with entrepreneurs and innovators to develop and grow new companies and create value for society. His specialties: Start-ups, innovation, business development, and new ways of working.
Alexandra is a big picture thinker with a strong interest in creative innovation. Much of her career has revolved around communications and engagement and more recently innovation facilitation. Through a greatly varied career she has built a skill combination of facilitation, marketing and digital strategy, stakeholder engagement, brand definition and management, internal culture building, and social innovation.
Their topic will be, "Entrepreneurship for the over 50's"
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Oct 09, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is one of our own Brad Weekly
Brad is the Development Manager - Architecture & Design Innovation, Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University in Wellington.
This is a great opportunity to hear from one of our members and get to know them a little more.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Oct 13, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
To you all you Port Nic's that time again. We have a garden that needs a bit of help in Mitchell St ,Brooklyn - does that address sound familiar?? Yes - it's because it our current President Jo Douglas' address! On the second Sunday morning of October. A bit of weeding, and cutting things (always fun), and a little bit of lugging dirt - downhill which is good! Jo has a couple of planter boxes that need filling up with soil so she can grow some lovely organic veges. If you are able to provide some green fingers for a couple of hours I'm sure we can make Jo's life a little bit happier. Just to recall, this is to fulfill our commitment from the auction last year - so it's already been paid for! I'm looking at kicking off at 9.00am and finishing up around 12.30-1pm at the latest. If you can lend an hour or two in between those times it would be appreciated. Register by clicking below or send me an email at and let me know if you can help. Cheers, Brent
Oct 13, 2024 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Lets help raise some money for "Everybody Eats" as well as having a fun get together
As many of you will know we had Jack Rainey talk to us at the end of August. Jack is the manager of Everybody Eats which is a pay-as-you-can, 3 course restaurant made from rescued and repourposed food, situated at 60 Dixon Street Te Aro. Jack inspired many of us to get out and support them so we have decided to go on 13 October. The plan is to meet at The Malthouse at 5.30 and then head up to Everybody Eats for dinner about 7pm - time for dining needs to be confirmed. The Restaurant is open from Sunday to Wednesday each week and after a wee vote at the lastest Club breakfast, Sunday looked like the best day. This event is open to members, partners, family and friends, so when you register dont forget to add they significant others. Once I know numbers I will let Jack know so he is ready for us Please can all registrations be in by 10 October 6pm so I can let them know. Looking forward to this one :) Louise
Oct 16, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Dr Philippa Smales Director Stakeholder Engagement VSA
Philippa is an international development professional whose strengths include staff management, policy and research skills. She joined Volunteer Service Abroard in June 2022.
Her topic is " Voluntary service in the Pacific."
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Oct 23, 2024 5:30 PM
Oct 27, 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Perambulators Governor Grey's Track Sunday 27 October 2024 10am
We will explore a new track (to me) that starts at the bottom of Kelson and ends half way up Hill Road Belmont. The track can be narrow, a little slippery in places and you will get wet feet. There are 3 streams to cross and their depth is totally dependent on how much rain we get in the week leading up to the walk. There is some lovely bush, interesting views and it loops back down to the cars. Meet at Belmont School Car Park, turn right off SH2 at Kelson and before crossing Kennedy Good Bridge turn immediately right again. Be there ready to start walking at 10am. I will decide where we go for coffee depending on numbers attending (and yes I know it is Labour Weekend). I expect the walk to be about 2 hours long. Please RSVP no later than 6pm Friday 25 October.
Oct 30, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Dr Pushpa Wood Director at Financial Education and Research Centre (Fin-Ed Centre), Massey University
Dr Pushpa Wood has a long history of financial literacy advocacy. She was previously the Education Manager at the Commission for Financial Capability and has worked in financial literacy across the school, tertiary, and industry sectors. She was a member of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority’s project advisory group reviewing financial literacy unit standards.
Her topic is " Financial literacy and ethnic communities."
Have a great long weekend - hopefully the weather is kind to us :) Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Nov 06, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week is Allan Henry Actor
Allan Henry is a multitalented actor, stuntman, movement coach, and motion capture performer (MoCap) since 2006. Most recently, he is the man behind King Kong and the Cocaine Bear. He has worked on Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and other Sir Peter Jackson films, and on Stephen Spielberg’s The BFG in Canada, plus with Sir Richard Taylor and Weta Digital.
Currently he is adding to his skillset by learning more about cloud computing and web development. he sees that the world is changing and tech is at the forefront of that change, He aims to increase his value to his community and find ways to help however he can.
His topic is " The life of a MoCap artist."
Don't forget to register for the final Flashback Friday for the year - next Friday November 8, 12pm - Baylands Brewery Petone. an easy walk from the Petone railway station :)
See you at both :) Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Nov 08, 2024 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Our next Flashback Friday long lunch is at Bayland Brewery in Petone. Baylands have a full service bar with 30+ taps so we can sit down and enjoy a few beers, have a feed and even buy some beer to take away. Dont like beer? They have a big range of gins, premium spirits, wines and non alcohol drinks. Their Autum menu is quite varied and has Snacks, Tacos, Little Peeps, Burgers and Smashies on it. Check it out on their website Come along and bring friends and family. It is a short walk from Petone Station and will be another lovely way to relax and enjoy each others comany. Please register by 6pm Wednesday 6 November, remember to register your friends or family, so I can let them know numbers attending. See you there Lou
Nov 13, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speakers this week are Rebecca Bangma and Fiona House of Grace
The House of Grace Trust was established in 2001 by Treena and Marcus van Rijssel. Their dream was to provide a safe haven for pregnant young women. A place where mums-to-be could find the love and support they need to learn life skills, manage pregnancy and prepare for parenting. This is a charity that Port Nicholson support.
Their topic is " House of Grace strategic direction"
Final Flashback Friday is today November 8, 12pm - Baylands Brewery Petone. an easy walk from the Petone railway station :)
See you at both :) Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Nov 20, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Club Forum and AGM
This coming week is our Club Forum and AGM. This is a really important meeting for the Club so we can share ideas and look at the direction the Club is heading together. Jo will also have looked at the survey and be able to talk about any points of interest from that. Please make sure you register and come to this meeting. See you Wednesday Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Nov 27, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week will be Clint Schoultz Chair Vulnerable Support Charitable Trust - Take 10
The Vulnerable Support Charitable Trust - Take 10, support tamariki by providing food in schools, kindy's, kohanga reo, to young people in the city on Friday and Saturday night, rangatahi after school and older people who may be feeling lonely or isolated. Clint is the Chair person of the Trust and coming from the hospitality industry, he believes in making a place better than you found it, especially when helping youth. Looking forward to hearing him speak and seeing you all on Wednesday, Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Dec 04, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week will be Lafulafu V Ekenasio Chair Mafutaga Tagata Matutua PIPC Newtown
Our Mayor Tory Whanau writes on Lafulafu's APW Award citation in 2023: "Lafulafu is an unsung hero in the Wellington community. She is the longest serving Chairperson of the Mafutaga Tagata Matutua PIPC Newtown (Senior exercise group), an active senior leader at the Pacific Island Presbyterian Church in Newtown, a member of the Pasifika Community Patrol Group and has dedicated over 20 years of service as a volunteer.
Reminder: Text your ideas for the Buying the Box name change to David Barnes - 027354 4137 Heads Up: Next week 11 December is our last meeting. As we will be having wine and strawberries to celebrate the festive season, the cost for those having breakfast will be $30 and those not having breakfast will be $15. Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Dec 08, 2024 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Hi All, We have an oportunity to fulfil our gardeing obligation from the Gala Dinner this Sunday morning. I know it's short notice but I thought I'd reach out and see if we can help them as the request has come out for 'any assistance before Christmas'. It's the same morning as the Christmas Party so its also an opportunity to build an appetite for the later event! If you can help, would love to see you even if it's just for short time. Looking to start around 9.30am. Cheers, |
Dec 08, 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
If you haven't registered alreadyfor theRPCN Christmas Dinner make sure you do by 4 December Where: Cable Top Eatery When: Sunday, December 8 What time: 6pm What: Xmas set menu - 2 courses of $65 Plus special on bottles of wine - Sauvignon/Pinot Gris & Shiraz - for $42 each. (No BYO) PLEASE
Dec 09, 2024 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
The end of year meeting is
Monday 9 December at the Wellington Club
Dinner for 6 pm 6th Floor
The Book to bring along is one you would recommend to a friend for the holidays and why do you recommend it? It may be a new book or a favourite or one read this year.
Yes we are meeting the day after the Club Christmas function - so a week of wining and dining in store.
Please register by 6 December 9am so we can let the Club know numbers for catering
Philippa Bascand
Dec 11, 2024 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker this week will be David Howman Chair Board of Directors Athletes Integrity Unit (World Athletics)
David is a barrister with a strong background in both sport governance and sports management who for 13 years until June 2016 was Director General of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Prior to this, he held a number of sports governance positions in New Zealand including Tennis New Zealand, Sport New Zealand Board, Chair of New Zealand Sports Drug Agency and as a member of the Olympic Executive Committee. As a lawyer, David has represented both governing bodies and athletes. He has argued for and defended clients before many tribunals including the Court of Arbitration for Sport. David topic is, "Sports integrity and fair play." This will be an excellent speaker to finish 2024. See you there. Lou
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Dec 15, 2024 9:15 AM - 2:00 PM
Christmas Perambulation and BBQ Lunch Sunday 15 December 9.15am at the Shackleton's Home 47 Homewood Avenue Karori
Jan 22, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Join Your Fellow Rotarians for an Informal Breakfast at Cafe L'affare 7am Wednesday 22 January 2025
Welcome to 2025. I hope you have had a wonderful break with lots of fun and laughter with family and friends. Now it is time to come and join your Rotary friends for an informal breakfast at Cafe L'affare, 27 College Street, to swap stories of holiday fun, travels, dinners, shows attended and other summer time activities. It will be a big help if you could look at the menu, attached, and place your order in the comments section part of your RSVP. Please remember to pay for your food and drinks before leaving. NOTE your registration is required no later than 6pm Sunday 19 January. For 2025, registration for all weekly meetings will be required by the Sunday night prior to the meeting. This has been requested by the Wellington Club to allow them more planning time for our Wednesday breakfasts.
Jan 29, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our Guest speaker this week is Susie Robertson CE Kaibosh Food Rescue needing rescue?
Susie has a passion for people and planet, so for her Kaibosh ticks both boxes with its mission of Zero Food Poverty and Zero Food Waste. Susie’s last role was as the Community Manager at Sustainability Trust, and prior to that working in the youth health and development sector in charities and government. She loves living in the Wellington suburb of Brooklyn with her whānau and their SPCA-rescue dog, Pepper. Susie is happiest taking time out in nature and can often be spotted picking up rubbish off the beach while her dog barks at the ocean. We are back at the Wellington Club this week for our first formal meeting of the year.
NOTE your registration is required no later than 6pm Sunday 26 January.
Duties for the meeting: Desk- 6.45am Brad Weekly Greeter Ross Buxton Kaikohau Nicole Barker Opening Thought Antony Zogg Introduction David Barnes Thanking Ryan Donovan Sharing Mike Selavdurai Parting Thought Hadleigh Petherick Club Reporter Brenda Lazelle If you are unable to perform your duty please get someone else to stand in for you and advise Nicole Barker ( and President Jo ( who the replacement is.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Feb 05, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our Guest speaker this week is Greg Mitchell-Kouttab Pathway to Peace
Greg was a Rotary Foundation World Peace Fellow in 2003 - 2004 sponsored by Port Nicholson Rotary Club. He has subsequently worked in many roles including being Deputy Ambassador at the New Zealand Embassy in Cairo during his time with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He is currently working in the National Security Policy Directorate, part of the Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet. His Linked-in profile states that he is a 'policy and strategy professional in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, responsible for cross agency coordination of some of New Zealand's most complex issues". The Club will also be welcoming our DG Jocelyn Hogg, who is visiting us for this meeting. NOTE your registration is required no later than 6pm Sunday 2 February.
Duties for the meeting: Desk- 6.45am Everard Aspell Greeter Jeff Lee Kaikohau Heather Lucas Opening Thought Richard Brodie Introduction Geoff Smith Thanking Tony Robinson Sharing Steve Lawton Parting Thought Darryl Ross Club Reporter Julian Bateson If you are unable to perform your duty please get someone else to stand in for you and advise Nicole Barker ( and President Jo ( who the replacement is.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Feb 12, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our Guest speaker this week is Greg Mitchell-Kouttab Pathway to Peace
Greg was unavailable last week so Nicholas Duncan stepped up and gave us an amusing and insightful commentary on his cultural (and other) experiences whilst in the US of A. This week it is time to hear from Greg. Greg was a Rotary Foundation World Peace Fellow in 2003 - 2004 sponsored by Port Nicholson Rotary Club. He has subsequently worked in many roles including being Deputy Ambassador at the New Zealand Embassy in Cairo during his time with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He is currently working in the National Security Policy Directorate, part of the Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet. His Linked-in profile states that he is a 'policy and strategy professional in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, responsible for cross agency coordination of some of New Zealand's most complex issues". NOTE your registration is required no later than 6pm Sunday 9 February.
Duties for the meeting: Desk- 6.45am Joy Durrant Greeter Lindsay Chitty Kaikohau Hayley Burns Opening Thought Dawn Sanders Introduction David Shackleton Thanking David Quinn Sharing Tony Herring Parting Thought Spencer Petherick Club Reporter Anne Hare If you are unable to perform your duty please get someone else to stand in for you and advise Nicole Barker ( and President Jo ( who the replacement is.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting:
Feb 19, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our Guest speakers this week are Dr Frederic Bemak and Dr Rita Chji-Ying Chung Mental Health Humanitarian Work in Challenging Times
Dr. Rita Chi-Ying Chung (鍾賜英) is a cross-cultural psychologist who obtained her PhD from Victoria University of Wellington (Te Herenga Waka). She is a Professor Emerita at the Counseling Program at George Mason University USA, and a Honorary International Fellow at the Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research (Te Pae Ranganhau Tauhokai Ahurea), School of Psychology (Te Kura Matai Hinengaro), Victoria University of Wellington (Te Herenga Waka). Her research focuses on cross-cultural psychology, social justice and human rights, immigrant and refugee psychosocial adjustment, racial injustice, the trafficking of Asian children, and post-disaster counseling. Dr. Chung has published extensively in the fields of cross-cultural and multicultural psychology and counseling and has over 90 publications in professional journals and books and many international awards. Dr. Fred Bemak is a Professor Emeritus at George Mason University, USA and a Honorary International Fellow at the Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research (Te Pae Ranganhau Tauhokai Ahurea), Victoria University of Wellington (Te Herenga Waka). He is the Executive Director and founder of Counselors Without Borders and has taken teams to provide national and global training, consultation, and counseling. He has published extensively in the fields of cross-cultural and multicultural psychology and counseling, working with at-risk youth, group counseling, transforming school counseling, and immigrant and refugee mental health and adjustment. Dr. Bemak has won numerous awards for his work. NOTE your registration is required no later than 6pm Sunday 16 February.
Duties for the meeting: Desk- 6.45am David Barnes Greeter Michaela Draper Kaikohau Hayley Burns Opening Thought Nick Duncan Introduction Rick Hughes Thanking Linda Wellington Sharing David Barnes Parting Thought Rob Whitney Club Reporter Yon Yi Sohn If you are unable to perform your duty please get someone else to stand in for you and advise Nicole Barker ( and President Jo ( who the replacement is.
Notes for the coming weeks meeting: